Galvanized steel coil of Tan Phuoc Khanh (TPK-ZINC) is produced with modern coating technology. Product quality is in accordance with standard JIS G3302:1998 (Japan); and standard ISO 9001:2008.
- Produced with particular suitability for a variety of purposes of use.
- 4 times longer life than normal galvanized steel sheet.
- High corrosion resistance.
- Good heat resistance.
- Anti-finger protective layer: stain-resistant, anti-oxidation, durable.
- Bright surface, limited peeling and scratching of coating layer during cutting and rolling.
The surface of the product is bright and beautiful with a silver color, outstanding corrosion resistance, effective heat resistance, flexibility in design, and has 4 times longer life than a normal galvanized steel sheet.
Features of TPK-PPALZINC:
1. Limited peeling, scratching of coating layer during cutting, forming stages…
2. High corrosion resistance; good thermal resistance caused by sunlight.
3. Anti-stain, anti-oxidation.